Sunday, November 15, 2020

More Reasons to Have Kids

In the previous post I explained what, according to me, is the best reason for why people have kids. There are more explanations of course, and they're not at odds with each other. 

I've been told that these explanations sound cynical. That was not my intention at all. I don't think any of these are intrinsically immoral. And I'm not opposed to having children (I might have them myself someday). 

Interestingly, there might be a social norm against explaining some life choices. We like to pretend that having children is something natural, a basic act that we do out of  'free will', or maybe out of love (which is one of my explanations). In short, it is a 'moral' action: moral in the sense that it has no personal motive. Just like it would be considered rude and cynical to ask someone why they are doing an act of charity (as the question seems to imply that there is an 'ulterior motive' beyond the will to do good) it might be the same with asking people why they procreate.   

I disagree with this view. Everything we do, we do for a reason. As a consequentialist, I (generally) judge actions based on outcomes, not on motives. And I don't think that an action is only moral if the agent doesn't get a payoff. For example, when it comes to charity, a dollar spent out of envy or narcissism is just as good as a dollar spent out of love or altruism or self-sacrifice.  

Anyway, here are the reasons (in no particular order): 

A genuine love and liking for children and the stuff they do.

Securing affection and admiration.

Having someone who will accept one’s love, care and affection. 

Fighting boredom and loneliness, giving meaning to one’s life or relationship. 

To acquire and exercise power. Most folks will never have as much power over another human being as they have over their children. 

To resolve psychological conflicts. Example: some people don’t like how their parents treated them, and they want a do-over.   

Conformism to peer pressure and social norms. Will be stronger in some groups and cultures. 

Rational herding. “Everyone around me is having children, so perhaps I should too, even if I don't fully understand the reasons.”

Regret aversion. “If I don’t have children now, I might regret it later." I expect this to be stronger in women.

Wanting someone to take care of you in old age.

Feel free to add yours in the comments.


  1. I love my girl, I want her to become the mother of my sons. I don’t want to lose this chance (which is different from regret aversion).

    1. Yes, I can see myself agreeing to have kids out of love for my woman. And then maybe I would change my mind on them, like here:
